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Κωνσταντίνος Α. Στρατάκης
Κλίκ για μεγέθυνση

MD, D(med)Sci, PhD, Ομότιμος Επιστημονικός Δ/ντής  Εθνικό Ινστ. Υγείας του Παιδιού κ’ Ανάπτυξης, USA

Διευθύνων Επιστημονικός Σύμβουλος ELPEN, S.A. , Δ/ντής Ινστιτούτου Ερευνας & Εκπαίδευσης, Αθήνα, GR

Δ/ντής Ερευνών, Γενετική του Ανθρώπου & Ιατρική Ακριβείας, ΙΜΜΒ, ΙΤΕ, Ηράκλειο, GR 

Constantine A. Stratakis is internationally recognized for his research, mentorship, and leadership. Dr. Stratakis has been extremely successful in employing genome-wide tools to
identify most of the genes known to be responsible for adrenocortical tumor (ACT) and pituitary  adenoma (PA) formation. His laboratory has identified the genetic defects responsible for Carney complex, Carney Triad, the dyad of paragangliomas and gastric stromal sarcomas (Carney-Stratakis syndrome), and described new entities such as X-LAG (X-linked acrogigantism) and 3-PAs (the 3 Ps association of paragangliomas pheochromocytomas and  PA). It was his identification of the protein kinase A (PKA) regulatory subunit type 1A (PRKAR1A) as the gene responsible for Carney complex in 2000 that led to the identification of the PRKACA  gene as the most commonly mutated gene in adrenal tumors. Dr. Stratakis described novel genes, such as GPR101 in gigantism, and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) defects in a variety  of tumors, including a disease that bears his name, and led the efforts to show that many gastric stromal sarcomas (GIST) form due to SDH deficiency. He is the author of more than 800 publications, his work has been cited >48,000 times, and he served in major Editorial roles of leading journals, including Deputy Editor, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2010-2015) and co-Editor, Hormone & Metabolic Research and Molecular & Cellular Endocrinology (2016-today). Dr. Stratakis received the 1999 Award for Excellence in Published  Clinical Research and the 2009 Ernst Oppenheimer Award, both from the Endocrine Society, and the 2019 Dale Medal from the Society for Endocrinology and many other honors. He is Visiting Professor in academic centers around the world and has received two honorary degrees from the Universities of Liege and Athens, respectively. As a mentor, Dr. Stratakis has trained more than 200 students, residents, pre-doctoral, post-doctoral and clinical fellows and has received many awards for his teaching. He is widely recognized for his leadership; he served as the 2018-2019 President of the Society for Pediatric Research (SPR) and as NICHD,  NIH, Scientific Director from 2009 to 2020, where he oversaw one of the largest intramural research programs at NIH, employing more than 1,200 staff, and an annual budget of close to $200 M. Dr. Stratakis was recently selected to serve as the (founding) Executive Director of a new Research Institute in Athens, Greece, a position he assumed on March 1 , 2021, along with his appointment as Research Director at FORTH, also in Greece (www.forth.gr).

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  +30 2611 100 410   /    info@endorama.gr


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