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Βασιλική Μπράβη (2020)
Κλίκ για μεγέθυνση
(FRCP, MBBS, MA Cantab, MRes, PGCE) Consultant in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Internal Medicine Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College London. 

In 2019 she was appointed Head of Specialty for Diabetes at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.
Vassiliki graduated from Cambridge University with an MA (Honours) degree in medical sciences in 2000. She then completed her clinical training at Imperial College London, where she obtained her MBBS degree in 2003. Her postgraduate training was based in teaching hospitals and district general hospitals in North West London. In 2008 she was awarded a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Academic Clinical Fellowship in Diabetes and Endocrinology, based at Imperial College London. In 2011, she completed a fellowship in postgraduate medical education with the London deanery and in 2012 she obtained her MRes in Translational Medicine from Imperial College. Her clinical research was based at Imperial College between the department of investigative sciences at Hammersmith Hospital and the department of metabolic medicine at St Mary's Hospital.
Vassiliki has been a Consultant at St Mary's Hospital, London since April 2015. From 2017 to 2019, she served as Co-Chair for the North West London Diabetes Foot Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, which aims to develop comprehensive foot care pathways starting from the day of the diagnosis of diabetes, across the Sector, and improve outcomes for people with diabetic foot disease. She is also North West London Regional Lead for the implementations of TEAMeD-5, which aims to improve the outcomes of people with thyroid eye disease, through early diagnostics and interventions that include novel therapies.
In her current role, Vassiliki practises as a full-time NHS Consultant at St Mary's Hospital and carries out translational research with a focus on diabetic foot disease and thyroid eye disease. Since 2017, she has been a Flow Coach with the Flow Coaching Academy, which exists to enable staff in every healthcare organisation to continuously improve patient care and experience.  She holds a level 4 Local Clinical Excellence award at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. As Head of Specialty in Diabetes within her organisation, Vassiliki is working on delivering safe diabetes care, with equity and wise investment, through good examples of integrated care models and digital transformation innovation.


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